
Value Has A Value Only If Its Value Is Valued

This site is created by Mohan Kumar - Mtech Student from VIT.

Education Forums

For programming languages etc

Experts Exchange - The #1 resource on the web for solving technology problems.
Experts Exchange enables people with technology problems to quickly and easily solve their problems by collaborating with experts from around the world.
PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection and resource web portal
Hot Scripts is the net's largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection and resource web portal. We are an Internet directory that compiles and distributes Web programming-related resources, geared toward webmasters, developers and programmers looking for enhancing their Web sites and intranets with dynamic development tools.
Programming and Web Development Forum
Provides advice and opinions by members to questions coupled with a vast variety of tutorials and articles related to programming.
WordPress › Blog Tool and Weblog Platform
MyBB - Feature Highlights: Administrator Control Panel
The official homepage for MyBB, a free PHP and MySQL based discussion system.
Java code community
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